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Do I have what it needs to run your software?

Some people do not know if any of software will run on their device. Here is a

simple way to check that will help a little bit.

First, read the minimum system requirements mentioned on the product page.

Example and quick explanation:

Minimum system requirements (example):

1. Windows 10/11 with .NET 4.0 libraries 2. Intel / AMD processor with QUAD-CORE processor of 2.0ghz 3. 2 GB of RAM or higher 4. 90 megs of hard drive space 5. Video card : With memory of 512 Megs or higher 6. 1366x768 or higher screen resolution 7. DirectX 9.0 or higher 8. Fast and reliable internet connectivity 9. Sound card 10. Administrator permissions are required for installation 1. Windows 10 or 11 Home or Pro edition This means your device needs to be running the Microsoft Windows Operation system with the version 10 or 11.. Android or Apple iOS ARE NOT SUPPORTED **Windows 10 ‘S’ mode is NOT supported 2. Intel / AMD processor with DUAL or QUAD-CORE processor of 2.0ghz This means you need a DUAL core CPU in your Windows device. But in some cases you need a more powerful CPU, like a QUAD core. To check what you have your can run this free tool, called CPU-Z to check. Here is how to do it: Download CPU-Z here Double click on the file you downloaded Extract it where you want Run CPU-Z Once it’s running check the number of CORE shown here: If you see “2” cores and the minimum system requirements mentions DUAL core (2), you are OK. But if it mentions QUAD (4). it will NOT run on your device.
since 2011
Designed for Windows computers only
Revolutionizing spirit communication since 2011
THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Disclaimer: XParanormal Detector, Presence ITC Application, Scryer ITC Application, Spectral-X, Armania, VR-Ghostbox, Phasma Communicator, Phasmabox, Infinity box GBX/EXP Editions, XTS-Spirit Box, Elysian or any other software we offer, does not guarantee to detect ghosts, nor does its name imply that they exist. But it might, and they might. However, your interaction, emotional state, and belief system, may be important factors in how you interpret unusual events. These software might be a useful tools to some people and amusing toys to others. These software should be used for entertainment only
How to contact us: Author: xman@extremesenses.com Support: help@extremesenses.com Sales: sales@extremesenses.com Monday to Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm EST
3. 1 GB of RAM or higher This is the amount of memory your devices needs to be running the chosen software. To check the amount of memory you have again use CPU-Z to check. Click on the MEMORY tab and look here:
If the chosen software says 1 GB of RAM or higher in the Minimum system requirements, it needs to show 1 GBytes or higher in CPU-Z 4. Video card with memory of 512 Megs or higher This is the amount of VIDEO memory your devices needs to be running the chosen software. To check the amount of memory you have again use CPU-Z to check. Click on the MEMORY tab and look here:
If the chosen software says 512 Megs or higher in the Minimum system requirements, it needs to show 512 Mbytes or higher in CPU-Z In the example above it would be OK. If the the chosen software would be saying 1024 Megs or higher, then you would need to see 1024 Mbytes in CPU-Z. You can also check our FAQ page for other questions you might have. Still not sure ? help@extremesenses.com

Supported versions:

XParanormal Detector : 2.7 or higher VR-Ghostbox : 2.0 or higher Phasma communicator : 3.0 or higher XTS-Spirit Box : 2.0 or higher Phasmabox : 1.5 or higher Infinity box GBX Edition: 2.0 or higher Quantum box : 1.0 or higher Angelus Redux : 2.0 or higher Armania : 1.0 or higher Elysian : 1.0 or higher Spectral-X: 1.0 or higher Scryer ITC application 1.0 or higher Presence ITC application 1.0 or higher Note: Free software are NOT supported.
Business Hours : Monday to Friday 10:00AM to 4:00PM EST